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Interviews Alan Jordan about Ethical Hacking

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October 24, 2011

Sharon Kleyne Hour Power of Water - Interviews Alan Jordan about Ethical Hacking

The Latest Education about Ethical Hacking, Reputation Management, Computer Search Engine Optimization, Search Marketing and Social Media

Hear Sharon Kleyne's talk with Alan Jordan on World Talk Radio, Voice America, Green Talk Network and Apple iTunes and Twitter

Sharon Kleyne, host of the Sharon Kleyne Hour Power of Water syndicated radio talk show, recently interviewed Alan Jordan, of Far Point Alliance, a well-known authority on computers, ethical hacking, reputation management, search marketing, search engine optimization and social media. The interview may be heard on-demand on World Talk Radio, Voice America, Green Talk Network, Apple iTunes and Twitter.

Sharon stated that she was excited to have Alan Jordan on because the vast majority of Sharon Kleyne Hour Power of Water listeners find the show via the Internet. Also, the Internet is Sharon Kleyne's primary vehicle for getting out her educational messages about the Power of Water, health, dry air and the environment. Search engine optimization, search marketing and social media are key strategies.

The show was dedicated to the memory of Steve Jobs.

Mr. Jordan noted that the Internet began as a data sharing network between universities and the military. It later became an important business to business ("B to B") tool. The modern web browser was invented in 1995 by Mozilla.

"Search engine marketing," according to Mr. Jordan, is the use of the actual search engine to promote your product or website. This usually done by placing a right-side advertisement on the list of results for relevant keyword searches, using a "pay per click" algorithm.

The objective of "search engine optimization" is to present your website so that those interested in your topic can locate you among the estimated 20 million websites. Search engine optimization is a strategy to make your website attractive to search engines so that the browser will place it near the top when listing the results of keyword searches most relevant to your website.

Most people who conduct web searches only look at the first page of the search results, and most of them only look at the top five selections. Google holds 75% of the search engine market.

To get noticed, the website's subject matter and content are important but so are the specific words you use and the manner in which they are presented. The strategic use of keywords in the three headlines (H1, H2 and H3), with repetition in the first paragraph, are critical. Search engine optimization enables the web browser to quickly determine the relevance of your website to a any given keyword search, in terms of percentages (99% relevant, 87% relevant, etc).

Keywords should be repeated frequently, but they should not be so dense that the web browser believes you are attempting to "trick" it. Keywords should never be used ungrammatically and should not be sequential (repeated several times in a row). The browser will find all forms of a word, synonymous words, and words in a phrase that are near each other but out of sequence ("The player stole the 'base' after the 'ball' was thrown").

Website architecture affects search engine optimization. The web browser looks at all pages and links to other websites and they may alter the degree of relevance. Or the browser may select an interior page as most relevant. Good, clear navigation structure is important. The browser also looks at the age of the site, number of visitors per month and the frequency of updates.

When you post a website, it should be registered with all the major search engines, otherwise it will not turn up in any searches.

Sharon Kleyne Hour Power of Water is sponsored by Bio-Logic Aqua Research, whose Nature's Tears® EyeMist® product naturally soothes and humidifies dry eyes. Nature's Tears® EyeMist® is available at,, and selected drugstores nationwide.

Listen to the Sharon Kleyne Hour Power of Water Mondays, 10 a.m., PST/PDT. The syndicated radio talk show is heard on Voice America/World Talk Radio, Green Talk Network and Apple iTunes. Go to for written summaries and on-demand replays. Also visit,, "Nature's Tears EyeMist" on Facebook and "Bio-Logic Aqua" on Twitter.

Jim Dierking's website: .

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