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Summer air-conditioning can dehydrate skin and eyes warns fresh water advocate Sharon Kleyne

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Summer air-conditioning can dehydrate skin and eyes warns fresh water advocate Sharon Kleyne

Sharon Kleyne Hour Power of Water radio host suggestions for getting the most out of summer air conditioning

Hear the Sharon Kleyne Hour Power of Water on World Talk Radio, Voice America, Green Talk Network and Apple iTunesp

Summer air-conditioning can cause skin and eyes to lose water content warns fresh water advocate and radio host Sharon Kleyne. The loss of water content could result in physical dehydration of the skin and eyes, possibly leading to dehydration related diseases such as dry eye. The good news is that a few simple precautions can prevent dehydration from summer air conditioning.

Summer air-conditioning can dehydrate skin and eyes warns fresh water advocate Sharon Kleyne

Kleyne will discuss air-conditioning and summer hydration of the skin and eyes on her Sharon Kleyne Hour™ Power of Water® radio broadcast of July 13, 2015. For the live show or a podcast, go to

The syndicated radio show, hosted by Kleyne, is heard weekly on VoiceAmerica and Apple iTunes. The education oriented show is sponsored by Bio-Logic Aqua® Research, which was founded by Kleyne and specializes in fresh water, the atmosphere, accelerated moisture evaporation and dehydration. Nature's Mist® for dry skin hydration is the Research Center's signature product.

When hot outside air circulates through an air-conditioner and is cooled, according to Kleyne, moisture is lost and the amount of water vapor (also called "humidity") that is present in the air decreases. There is a simple reason for this: The cooler the air, the less water vapor it is capable of holding. That's why water often drips off air conditioners during the heat of summer - it's the actual water lost by the warm air as it cools. Depending on the water vapor content of the original outside air, air conditioned air may end up too humid, too dry or just right.

If the air conditioned air is too dry, as is often the case, Kleyne explains, pressure is increased on the molecules contained in liquid water in the vicinity to evaporate into the atmosphere as water vapor. This includes the water covering the surface of the eyes and contained in the upper skin layers. The result is often dry eye and dry skin complaints. The surface of the eyes are 99 percent water and the upper skin layers are 70 percent water.

There is a second reason why air-conditioning and forced-air heating systems are dehydrating to eyes and skin, says Kleyne. Simply put, they create wind. To understand why wind is dehydrating, says Kleyne, imagine setting up a fan in a room to help dry a wet carpet. The wind from the fan is in not in itself drying. However, as water evaporates from the carpet, it creates a thin layer of vapor saturated air immediately above the carpet. No additional water can evaporate until the saturated layer dissipates. By circulating the air, the fan continuously blows away the saturated vapor layer, hastening the drying process.

Wind from forced-air cooling and heating has a similar effect on skin and eyes, according to Kleyne. The process also causes the water to lose heat energy, which has a cooling effect.

Common dry eye and dry skin complaints include dry and itching eyes, blurred vision, eye strain, fatigue, headache, watery eyes, dry skin, itchy skin and flaky or "ashy" skin.

Sharon Kleyne's suggestions to reduce dehydration from summer air-conditioning or winter heating: Crack a window - especially in the bathroom - to let fresh outside air in. Put baffles over heating and cooling vents so the wind doesn't blow directly on anybody. If the room is too dry, install a room humidifier set out bowls of water and many house plants. The ideal temperature and humidity for comfort and for preventing accelerated surface evaporation from the skin and eyes is 60 to 80 degrees F and 40 to 60 percent relative humidity.

Other Kleyne suggestions: Take frequent cool baths and showers. Humidify eyes and skin, as needed with all-natural, 100% water, pH balanced Nature's Tears® EyeMist® and/or Nature's Mist® skin moisture.

Finally, Kleyne recommends drinking at least eight full glasses of water a day in addition to other fluids, including two full glasses upon arising. That way, if body surface water is lost to evaporation, your well hydrated body is prepared to quickly replace it. © 2015 Bio-Logic Aqua Research. All rights reserved.

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