California Drought Relief Plan: Water for basic survival must remain accessible and affordable reports fresh water advocate Sharon Kleyne
Press release
California Drought Relief Plan: Water for basic survival must remain accessible and affordable reports fresh water advocate Sharon Kleyne
Sharon Kleyne Hour™ Power of Water® radio host will present her views on drought management options on upcoming show
Hear the Sharon Kleyne Hour Power of Water on World Talk Radio, Voice America, Green Talk Network and Apple iTunesp
During the current worst ever California drought, water for basic human survival must remain accessible and affordable, reports fresh water advocate and radio host Sharon Kleyne. Addressing the State of California's recently imposed water restrictions and recently announced drought relief plan,* Kleyne will present her views on drinking water pricing and other drought relief options on an upcoming broadcast of the Sharon Kleyne Hour™ Power of Water® radio show .
*Bernstein, S, "Sanctions, higher costs considered under California drought plan," Reuters, April 7, 2015. www.california drought plan
*Hirappil, F, "California sets water use targets amid record low savings," AP via Yahoo News, April 7, 2015. www.water use targets
Kleyne will resent her views on California's drought relief plan on her radio broadcast of April 13, 2015. For podcasts of that and other past shows, go to .
The syndicated Sharon Kleyne Hour™ Power of Water® radio show, hosted by fresh water advocate Sharon Kleyne, is heard weekly on VoiceAmerica and Apple iTunes. The education oriented show is sponsored by Bio-Logic Aqua® Research, a global research and technology center founded by Kleyne and specializing in fresh water, the atmosphere and dehydration. Nature's Mist® Face of the Water® is the Research Center's signature product for dry and dehydrated skin and eyes.
Fresh water for basic survival - drinking, sanitation, food preparation and bathing - according to Kleyne, must remain affordable and accessible. Water is the basis for all life on Earth, the human body is 70 percent water and most people do not drink enough water or practice good sanitation even when water is abundant. Making water for basic survival anything less than the number one priority, Kleyne believes, could have a reverberating effect on the health of the population. Kleyne supports drastically raising the cost of household water use in excess of the basic minimum.
Food is another basic necessity of life and water for agriculture and food production should also remain available and affordable, says Kleyne. The very lowest rates, Kleyne believes, should be reserved for farmers who follow the water saving techniques of dry land farming and drip irrigation or who recycle their water as in aquaponic farming.
The most promising long term method of drought proofing the California water supply, according to Kleyne, is recycling, where used water (sewage) is captured, cleaned and resold as new water. Theoretically, this could eliminate the need to bring any outside water into the system, and also eliminate associated costs. The initial outlay is high but with newly developed technologies, they have dropped dramatically in recent years. Several California water districts are moving in this direction but there needs to be much more.
Kleyne's fourth recommendation is a little more complex. Rainfall (and human survival), is entirely dependent on the water vapor (humidity) in the atmosphere, especially the upper atmosphere. Without atmospheric water vapor, all the water in our bodies would quickly evaporate into the air and we could not survive. Atmospheric water vapor is also the most abundant greenhouse gas that moderates surface temperatures and creates weather systems.
Since all atmospheric water vapor begins as liquid water on the ground, Kleyne believes that "watering the atmosphere" should become a drought relief objective. There are numerous strategies to achieve this. Keep the reservoirs full, keep underground aquifers charged ("ground water replenishment"), create new reservoirs, plant rooftop lawns, keep the forests and grasslands healthy, keep the air clean and unpolluted, etc.
Drought tends to build on itself, says Kleyne. As the drought worsens and weather systems weaken, watering the atmosphere becomes increasingly difficult but also increasingly important. Water conservation measures take by humans can help more than we realize, says Kleyne.
Kleyne fully supports incentives and innovations to discourage water waste and use less. This includes the use of gray water from bathtubs and sinks for lawns and gardens. And although unsanctioned water catchment is illegal in many areas, she supports the building of small ponds and dams, and rooftop runoff catchment systems - as long as they don't interfere with the water rights of others. ©2015 Bio-Logic Aqua Research. All rights reserved. .
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