As California dry season approaches, risk of body drought increases warns fresh water advocate
Press release
As California dry season approaches, risk of body drought increases warns fresh water advocate
Atmospheric drought can dehydrate the human body says radio host and fresh water advocate Sharon Kleyne
Hear the Sharon Kleyne Hour Power of Water on World Talk Radio, Voice America, Green Talk Network and Apple iTunesp
With the summer dry season approaching, residents of California and other drought stricken areas are scrambling to make sure they have enough water. Fresh water advocate Sharon Kleyne would those individuals to be aware that when Earth loses water and becomes dehydrated, the human body can also lose water and become dehydrated. Kleyne calls this "body drought" and suggests several ways to avoid it.
Kleyne talked about weather, body drought and dehydration on her Sharon Kleyne Hour™ Power of Water® radio show of March 16, 2015. The topic will be further discussed on her upcoming show of March 31, 2015. For the live show and/or past show podcasts, go to
The globally syndicated radio show is heard weekly on VoiceAmerica and Apple iTunes. The sponsor is Bio-Logic Aqua® Research, a global research and technology center founded by Kleyne and specializing in fresh water, the atmosphere and dehydration. Nature's Mist® is the Research Center's signature hand held humidifying medical device for dry skin. .
The human body, according to Kleyne, is far more affected by the surrounding atmosphere - especially temperature and humidity - than most people realize. Air pollution can also be a factor. From the moment of birth, Kleyne explains, the body begins losing water through elimination and surface moisture evaporation. When water loss fails to keep up with water taken in, numerous dehydration related diseases can result.
Kleyne believes that a link will eventually be proven between chronic dehydration and nearly every human disease. Since every cell and structure in the body (including teeth and bones) requires constant water intake to function properly, there's no predicting which systems will become affected by insufficient water over a long period.
Kleyne hastens to add that no two people have identical water requirements or react the same to body water loss. Some bodies tolerate dehydration better than others.
Drought area residents, according to Kleyne, should be aware that under the right conditions, the human body can obtain a significant amount of its daily water through direct absorption of humidity (water vapor) from the atmosphere. Under the wrong conditions, significant body water can be lost by evaporation through the skin surface.
The ideal weather for water absorption, Kleyne explains, is moderate temperatures and mid-level humidity (40 to 70 percent). In cold temperatures, air contains little humidity, skins pores tighten and while little water is lost to evaporation, little is absorbed. Also, we rarely perspire in cold weather.
Warm air, according to Kleyne, can hold much more water than cold air. However, when heat excites the liquid water molecules on the Earth' surface, the rate of evaporation into the air increases. This includes the water in the skin, which is 70 percent water. Hot dry air can be especially dehydrating because the skin's water becomes anxious to evaporate and the air becomes eager to receive it.
Hot humid air, Kleyne adds, also be dehydrating. In hot air, the body cools itself by producing perspiration, which then evaporates, cooling the skin. When the hot air is saturated with humid water vapor, perspiration evaporates more slowly and doesn't cool as effectively. The body can become dehydrated very quickly under these conditions, creating a significant heat stroke risk.
Water in perspiration comes directly from blood, not skin, and can effect the body interior very quickly. Evaporation from the skin's water reservoir is not as immediately dangerous because lost skin water is replaced by water from the blood. Skin water evaporation can lead to chronic low level dehydration (body drought) resulting numerous physical malfunctions.
Kleyne's tips to avoid dehydration from summer body drought: Drink lots of water, keep the skin surface hydrated with Nature's Mist from Kleyne's Bio-Logic Aqua Research, and apply a moisture barrier lotion to slow surface evaporation.
Drink a minimum of eight glasses of fresh water per day, says Kleyne. Water is most beneficial when ingested in full glasses rather than sipped. Juice and tea, while beneficial, are not counted towards the eight glasses. Water containing large amounts of sugar, fat, caffeine, sodium or alcohol are dehydrating. Children ten or under should drink half their body weight in ounces per day. ©2015 Bio-Logic Aqua Research. All rights reserved.
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